Bintan IslandView all the popular packagesOffers

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Bintan Island at a Glance

Bintan is one of the Riau Islands of Indonesia. Although, Singapore is the closest major city, this island falls under Indonesia. With unspoiled white beaches, aquatic life and beautiful scenery, it is one of the most visited islands in the area and is gradually becoming a popular tourist spot. You can enjoy the various water activities, shop in the local markets and gorge on local delicacies. Dolphins can also be seen regularly in the water and therefore this gives more reason to experience the waters of this beautiful island.

Area 60057 Square Kilometers

Population 0.12 Million

Winter Temperature 24 C

Summer Temperature 31 C

Best Time To Visit March to October



Riau Airlines provides domestic flights which takes around one and a half hour to reach Bintan from Jakarta. International flights do not operate but domestic flights to other major cities of Indonesia are available.



It takes around 50 minutes to reach Bintan by ferry from Singapore.

Penyengat Island


It’s a small island situated across Tanjung Pinang. The descendants of the Riau royalty still live here in modest stilt houses. There is hardly any transport on the island, and you can get along the good walkways to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the surroundings. Do not hesitate to check out also the numerous royal graves around the island, and the remains of the Raja’s houses.

Avalokitesvara Graha Temple


It is a Buddhist temple with the biggest Buddha's statue made of brass, coated with 22 carat gold. It a colourful temple with nice surroundings which are well maintained. From the entrance there are some Buddha statues and a pond on the right side of the garden which are spectacular. The temple is very ornate with some beautiful carvings.

Beach activities


Kayaking, jetski, banana boat rides and boating are some of the most popular activities you can do at the beach. You can rent bikes and go for mountain biking or you can take a ride on elephant back along the beach.



The shops at Badar Bentan Telani Ferry Terminal are packed with local produce, handicraft, fashion apparel and souvenirs, all attractively displayed. Roadside stalls with fresh produce are another common sight at Tanjung Pinang.

Spice Restaurant


Mayang Sari Beach Resort, Jalan Panglima Pantar, Lagoi, Riau Islands Province, Indonesia
Cuisines: Indian, Asian, Indonesian


  • Bintan and Bali

    5 Nights & 6 Days
    Bintan Island(2N)  Bali(3N) 
