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Indonesia at a Glance

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, range from Sabang in Aceh to Merauke in Papua, which is made up of thousands of large and small islands, which are connected by the strait and sea. According to data from the Ministry of Interior of the Republic Indonesia in 2010 was as much as 17,504 islands. 7,870 of them have names, while 9,634 do not have a name.

The total area of the Indonesian ocean broader than its land, Indonesia's land area of 1.91 million km2, while the area of oceans is 6.279 million km2. With such widespread Indonesia kept many natural resources on land and under the sea is beautiful. No wonder if Indonesia has many wonderful spots especially in the sector of the beach. Due to the geographical position of Indonesia itself that is located in parts of the equator. Among the many beaches, there are several beaches in Indonesia are categorized as the most beautiful beaches in the world. Among other Senggigi Beach in Lombok, Kuta Beach in Bali, Bunaken Beach in Manado, and many other beautiful beaches.

Indonesia has very beautiful natural wealth. Because of its natural beauty that Indonesia has become a tourist destination that is much coveted by both local and international travelers from around the world. Panorama in Indonesia is certainly not inferior to other countries. For it would not hurt if we went on holiday to enjoy a variety of natural beauty that exist in Indonesia and make it as a tourist destination.

Not only that, Indonesia is also rich in culture, various tribes living in Indonesia with harmony and peace, each tribe has its own characteristics that make cultural diversity in Indonesia, besides Indonesia also has a distinctive culinary in each territory.

Indonesia is the country that has extraordinary natural wealth. In fact, all the world is well-known attractions here. Indonesia has hundreds of National Parks that must to visit. One of them is the Komodo National Park is the sole habitat of Komodo in the world. In addition, there is also a favorite of international climbers is Carstensz Pyramid where this mountain was shrouded in eternal snow. Indeed, the wealth of natural attractions Indonesia countless. To prove it, please visit Indonesia as recommended tourist destination by presenting the most complete natural wealth on earth.
Area1904569 Square KilometersCapitalJakartaPopulation246.9 MillionOfficial LanguagesIndonesianCurrencyRupiahTime DifferenceIndonesia is 1 hour and 30 minutes ahead of India. (IST+1:30hrs)ISD Code+62BoundaryPapua New Guinea, Malaysia and Timor-Leste
  • Visa Requirement


    Indian nationals can get a visa on arrival at the Indonesian airport. Tourist visa is usually granted for 30 days. The passport should be valid for 6 months from the date of return.

  • Overview


    Indonesia’s culture is indeed rich in arts and crafts. Sumatra produces some of the best gold and silver-thread woven sarongs, known as songket. Colourful hand-woven silks and textiles from natural fibers are also produced. Foreign cultures and traditions, however, are absorbed and assimilated by the people to produce unique “Indonesian” creations found nowhere else in the world. Indonesia is also strong in performing arts which are greatly influenced by religion. The famous dance dramas of Java and Bali are derived from Hindu mythology and often feature fragments from the Hindu epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata. Indonesia is the nation with the largest Muslim population but other religions like Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism are also followed.

  • Overview


    Indonesian cuisine is richly flavoured with spices, herbs and other seasonings and is guaranteed to awaken your taste buds. It’s also a very healthy cuisine, relying on a wide range of fresh, nutrient rich ingredients including vegetables, grains, nuts, and fish. Rice is the staple food in most parts of Indonesia though some variation is found in some of the islands in eastern Indonesia where staple food ranges from corn, sago, cassava to sweet potatoes.

  • Ayam bakar


    Indonesian grilled chicken is very popular and is featured in many Indonesian restaurants. Its a sweet and salty dish with a hint of spices and is best enjoyed with steamed rice and a generous serving of a vegetable side dish.

  • Bakso


    This savory meatball is made from chicken, beef, pork or some amorphous combination of all of them. Sold mostly from pushcarts called kaki lima, bakso comes garnished with fried shallots, boiled egg and wontons.

  • Coconut sweet Potato Cake


    Its a delicious dessert and despite the name sweet, this one is the best high protein recipes of many Indonesian desserts. This is the best cake that you can make with sweet potatoes and is a must eat of the original Indonesia food.

  • Ramadan


    Ramadan is the holy month of fasting for Muslims around the world. This is a time to focus on prayer and faith. In the evening families have small meals and visit friends. It is the holiest time of year for Muslims.

  • Christmas


    Christmas is a national holiday celebrated throughout Indonesia. All the shopping malls and departmental stores are decorated. Night Parties and Christmas celebrations are held in almost all the hotels in Bali and Jakarta.

  • Kuta Karnival


    Kuta Karnival event is held in the month of October on the glorious Kuta beach in Bali. You can enjoy an event featuring fun, entertainment, tasty food, beach activities and lots more happening during this time.