0 Popular Packege(s)
Area 139 Square Kilometers
Population 0.18 Million
Winter Temperature 18°C
Summer Temperature 25.5°C
Best Time To Visit July to October
Naivasha can be reached by car directly either from Masai Mara or Nairobi
The train from and to Nairobi takes around 4 h leaving Nairobi at 18.30 and Naivasha at 4.55 in the night.
Lake Naivasha is a beautiful freshwater lake with the highest elevation of the Kenyan Rift valley at 1,890 metres. It's a popular weekend getaway for Nairobians.
Hell's Gate National Park was established in 1984 and named after a narrow break in the cliffs. The park is mostly known for its scenery, what includes the Fischer's Tower and Central Tower columns and the Hell's Gate Gorge. It is also a good place to meet giraffes, zebras or warthogs face to face while walking or biking through the park.
Since its a nationsl park therefore there are not much eating options available. Therefore the best way to eat is at the Game Lodges