Howrah Bridge - Attraction of Kolkata

Ask a person to picturise the 'City of Joy' in an instant and probably the first thing that will come to his mind is this iconic landmark - The Howrah Bridge. It ranks 6th among the cantilever suspension type bridges. At the time of construction its rank was 3rd. It is perhaps the best-known bridge in India and certainly one of the most recognizable. Howrah Bridge is a cantilever bridge that does not have nuts and bolts and was built by riveting the whole structure. It was commissioned in the year 1943. On June 14th, 1965, the bridge was renamed Rabindra Setu after the great Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore. It carries a daily traffic of approximately 100,000 vehicles and possibly more than 150,000 pedestrians, making it one of the busiest cantilever bridges in the world.

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